Death in june + Persona December 21st 2013
Death in june + Persona December 21st 2013

Coming soon: new Persona release Sota setge: memòria de Sant Ferran

Persona new release teaser. Out Fall 2013


10 songs of martial and dark ambient by Persona, featuring the song "Capitulació: l'entrada del francès" by Le Silence des Ruines. Based upon the timeline story of the catalonian fortress of Sant Ferran, Figueres, which witnessed war conflicts and the pass of time since XVIII century until nowadays. It remained unfinished so we can still dream of what it was and what it could have been... this release is the soundtrack for Sant Ferran's forgotten space and time.


Video idea and creation by Desirée G
Music by Persona and Le Silence des Ruines
Published by Marbre Negre
Some images extracted from the making off of"La Rovirada 1811" and "La muerte del General Álvarez de Castro"

Persona new release in Marbre Negre


“Even though we intend to have everything under control mankind will never be able to see the ruins that will survive them. They will always work as a silent reminder of the history.” D.


“Aunque intentemos tenerlo todo bajo control, la humanidad nunca será capaz de ver las ruinas que le sobrevivirán. Ellas siempre actuarán como un recordatorio silencioso de la historia.” D.


“Tot i que pretenguem tenir-ho tot sota control, l’home mai no podrà veure les ruïnes que li sobreviuran. Elles sempre funcionaran com a recordatori silenciós de la història.” D.


Now OUT: new Persona release: Ruïnes. This release has been prepared since 2007 until 2009. It's a digipack edition with a 24 full colour booklet with an essay of the concept of ruin along history and artwork by Persona member Desirée, art historian. Òscar and Desirée have created intrigating and special atmospheres through 19 ambiental and industrial tracks. It is available a special edition consisting in a limited edition of 22 boxset to choose between black or brown with 4 colour postcards and a bunch of wild thyme with a clay seal of the band.